Main Facilities

  • 3 Classrooms
  • Outdoor Space (ZOZOPARK HONDA Football Area)


  • Nursery (0 years old): 5 students (2 teachers)
  • Toddler (1 year old): 16 students (3 teachers)
  • PRE-K (2 years old):16 students (3 teachers)
  • K3 (3 years old): 16 students (2 teachers)
  • K4 (4 years old):16 students (2 teachers)
  • K5 (5 years old): 16 students (2 teachers)


  • Main Program (2~6 years old)
  • Daycare (0~1 years old)
    The daycare program is conducted in Japanese.

Optional Services

  • School lunch (cooked at school)
  • Extended care (7:30~18:30)
  • Saturday childcare

Main Program

SOLTILO GSA International School is an innovative international school that combines the sports program of SOLTILO FAMILIA SOCCER SCHOOL produced by Keisuke Honda, and the English curriculum of Global Step Academy, which is designed to nurture children to become global citizens.

0-1 Years Old

For most toddlers, SGIS will be their first experience being away from their parents for a long period of time. We need to keep in mind that children who come to school from this age are still learning to talk. As students settle in they learn to greet teachers and one another. We encourage this positive social behavior and open communication.

Preschoolers also start to gather together during circle time to build vocabulary, learn songs and play with numbers.

※The international school curriculum is not provided in this class. Childcare is conducted in Japanese.

2-5 Years Old

English is the main language in the classroom. We use an inquiry-based program that encourages children to develop their interests and cognitive skills. Children will be more adept at paying attention, speaking, and listening. In addition to the SOLTILO sports program, we also provide Japanese language lessons and food education classes.

By the end of the 5-year-old class, children will be ready for the challenges of elementary school and possess a solid academic foundation upon which to build. They will be able to solve basic math problems, express themselves through simple creative writing activities, and, with guidance, they will also be able to self-correct much of their own work.

Our Facilities

SOLTILO GSA International School is located on the second floor of the building. Hibino Sekkei, a company specializing in the architecture of children’s facilities, has designed our school. Classrooms feature a natural wood-based design and large windows that bring in natural sunlight.

SGIS Kitchen 

Our chef prepares lunches and snacks in our fully equipped kitchen. We also provide baby food and appropriate dietary support for each child. Our fruits and vegetables are purchased from VegeLINK, a company that provides fresh products directly from farms, and creates food education opportunities for children. Once a month, we host “World Food Day” to let children experience the tastes and cultures of different countries all over the world by serving a variety of international cuisine.

Please check out our “Kitchen Instagram” to see what our students eat every day.


  • Makuhari Bay Park Cross Residence 2F,
    3-1-18 Wakaba, Mihama, Chiba, 261-0014.

    ※15-minute walk from JR Keiyo Line Kaihin Makuhari Station.
    ※2-minute walk from the Main Stadium Bus Line Wakabas Park Stop.

  • 080-7566-2215
  • [email protected]
  • Mon-Fri 9:00〜17:00

Please fill out the form below to contact us regarding orientations and trial lessons. We will get back to you in two business days.

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